Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Team Mexico: The Start of Something Superb!

Tripping over a limb and "breaking her teeth" is Angie Denison's greatest fear about our trip to Mexico, and E. Brown dreams of being a princess at Disneyland! At our team meeting in December, we learned many interesting--and random-- things about our teammates, thanks to Tiffani Erickson's fun get-to-know-you game. I think we can all tell that our time together here, and in Mexico, will be an absolute blast! We had conference calls going out-of-state, and to southern Utah, so we can't wait to get to know those teammates as well.
Along with our (somewhat confusing) telecommunication, our laughs, and our fascinating facts, we did learn a whole heap about what we will be doing as Team Mexico. Each committee was explained to us in more detail, which was very intriguing. And I'm sure we were all happy to hear that we will all be helping with every project, no matter what committee we end up on, which is good news because each committee is so influential that it is hard to want to only be involved with one.
We also heard some great ideas for fundraising from one of our team leaders, Mike Denison. He gave us examples of great fundraising ideas and got us all excited about getting fundraising started soon! So, Team Mexico, listen to Mike and get on that fundraising!
One of the most exciting parts of our meeting was finding out who our sponsors are and getting the information so that we can write them thank you cards. To all those sponsors who might be reading this: We cannot thank you enough for the opportunity that you have given us, and for being so generous! We are so excited about our trip to Mexico and we know that if it weren't for your generosity and support we would not have this amazing chance to help the people of Chiapas.
(Mexico teammates!!: make sure you get those thank you cards sent out to your sponsors, this is extremely important!)
We have all picked our local service sites and you could sense the excitement in the room as we talked about our local service activities. It is amazing that there is a program that focuses on local and international service as much as Youthlinc does.
Team Mexico is extremely excited about our Youthlinc adventure, and after our first team meeting in December, we can all see that this is truly the start of something superb!

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