Sunday, July 11, 2010

From Kenya 2010 participant Lisa Moynihan: Youthlinc truly is an incredible program, and I hope you know how much change and progress you have inspired through it. Before the trip I had an idea of how awesome it would be to serve others in Kenya, but nothing could have prepared me for the experience that I had. I am so impressed by the way that this program conducts its projects. The way that we worked for and with the community by asking for their needs rather than just throwing aid at them makes me feel like we really did change the community not just for the time that we were there, but for the future of Kiamuri as a whole.

I also want you to know how highly I think of our team leaders. Between Britnie and Lauren and then meeting Danielle and Becky when we were there; I don't think we could have been in better hands. They are all so knowledgeable about development and aid and they truly care about the communities they serve (which is evident by the amount of love and appreciation they were shown by the people of Kiamuri). I enjoyed so much talking to all of them and learned so much in doing so.

From the red dirt that is still stained on my ankles to the unprecedented Kenyan hospitality we were shown, I truly fell in love with the village of Kiamuri. I will treasure this experience for the rest of my life. I don't think that there are words that could adequately express my gratitude, but I am so, so thankful for the opportunity that you and Youthlinc have provided me. I feel so blessed to have been a part of this program and I hope that it will continue to inspire youth for many more years to come.

With love and gratitude,
Lisa Moynihan

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