Thursday, July 14, 2011

Service Year Mexico 2011 are now ready to change the world!

Since November of last year, our whole team has looked forward to these past two weeks. At first, two weeks seemed like plenty of time, and a huge commitment. As we started our meetings and planning those two weeks, we realized just how little our time would be in Chiapas. The closer we got to the trip, we again thought of how long two weeks seemed, how long we would be away from our home. Excited, nervous, and prepared as much as we could be, we left home on the twenty-fifth of June, having no idea how much these two weeks would mean to us.

After we worked very hard for the first half of week two, we got to spend time at an orphanage in Tuxtla (the capitol city of Chiapas). There, it was again proven to us that the greatest thing we can give and the most helpful gift will always be love. We only spent a few hours with the orphans there, but by the time we had to leave, we wanted to never have to say goodbye.

Thanks to the Tuxtla Rotary Club, we enjoyed the rest of our day at the beautiful Zoomat Zoo. We ended that night with a wonderful surprise dinner with the Mayor's wife at the Mayor's palace.

The next day, we had to say goodbye to another group of kids that we adored. We held a "Despidida Fiesta" filled with fun games, activities and--as the kids will remember--lots and lots of prizes! We enjoyed every minute we spent at that school and were so happy to leave them with all that we have worked for for the past year.
The Rotary Club in Tuxtla was so kind again to give us a beautiful last day in Chiapas. We spent last Saturday shopping, zip-lining, taking pictures, enjoying the sun, and seeing more and more of the beautiful state we had been staying in for two weeks.

Two weeks. Thirty-five people changed, one school improved, countless perspectives altered, our international community got a little better.
Two weeks is all it took. Two weeks and thirty-five people became lifelong humanitarians. We have nothing but appreciation and a want to keep changing the world after these two tremendous weeks. That appreciation goes for each other and the times we shared, as well as for the people that got us here. We will never be able to thank our supporters enough for this amazing opportunity.

From students ready to change more of our world, for now, Adios!

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