Saturday, August 6, 2011

Now Accepting Applications for our 2011-12 Service Year Team & Alum Leaders! Deadline Aug 22

Youthlinc Alum Mentors & Student Alumni are the best candidates for these positions.

Team Leaders receive free international service trips, and Alum Leaders receive an $1100 sponsorship. Leaders are in charge of the local and international service of our Kenya, Guatemala, Peru, Thailand & Cambodia teams, using Youthlinc curriculum and their own ingenuity to structure productive monthly meetings starting in November 2011, culminating with the international service trip in summer 2012.

Full job descriptions & responsibilities are included in the applications.Go here to apply

Full information about next year's trips, dates, and regular Service Year student & mentor applications will be available on our website by Aug 22. For more information, contact or call 801-467-4417.

Here are some words from Team Leaders & Alum Leaders from our 2010-11 Service Year:

Scott Bawden, Kenya 2010-11 Team Leader: When you get a group of young people together who are of such great character, it is easy to get a lot of work done. Their willingness to adapt and work hard in very difficult and challenging circumstances was inspiring to me. It didn’t matter their age or ability to do things, they just jumped in and did the work that needed to be done. I never once heard complaints about the conditions that we lived in or were faced with. We had problems with water and electricity and even bugs and bats. Every morning when Dr. John was treating all the blisters and other ailments I never heard anyone complain or say they couldn’t go work that day. They just said “fix me up and let’s go to work”.

Jeff Daun, Peru 2010-11 Team Leader: This has also been one of the most rewarding times of my life to see a group of strangers start the Service Year, then get on the plane in SLC and get off the plane 15 days later as friends for life. We were able to accomplish so much in two weeks. We poured over 800 feet of concrete, painted four different building inside and out, provided hundreds of pounds of clothing-shoes-humanitarian kits-education kits-medical supplies and so many other things to the villages of Palmeras, Santa Rosa, and Yanamono. It was so amazing to see how hard everyone worked and also played together. I sincerely hope this trip has made all of us appreciate what we have and made us committed to becoming life-time humanitarians. What a great team and an amazing group of people.
It was my privilege to be a Youthlinc team leader.

Tori Daun, Peru 2010-11 Alum Leader: I learned a lot from this trip. I have never worked so hard in my life. And even though I was exhausted I felt so accomplished and I wanted to keep working hard because I knew I was helping them so much. Service is contagious!

Britnie Powell, Cambodia 2010-11 Team Leader: It amazes me every trip how much students and mentors are impacted by the work here. "We can't do everything, but we can do something." It's great to see a good group of people accomplish incredible things that make life changing differences for people who couldn't possibly do it for themselves.

Kyler Mcgee, Cambodia 2010-11 Alum Leader: Holy cow. What a stressful, crazy year it was. I have grown so much as a person though and have learned so much. I have learned leadership responsibilities as I worked all year to make sure my team was ready to go.
I love Youthlinc!

Pete Frost, Thailand 2010-11 Team Leader: Service transcends countries, cultures, language barriers etc. It provides an enormous learning experience that teaches about how much we have and how much can be gained by doing service.

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