Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Start getting excited: Details of our 2012 Cambodia trip

As we start planning for our 2012 trips, we are too excited NOT to share some of the details about our Cambodia service trip. Here's why:

If you haven't heard of Sustainable Cambodia, you should check them out (www.sustainablecambodia.org). They are a grass-roots, volunteer-based, Rotary-supported not-for-profit organization working with the residents of rural Cambodian villages to help them achieve sustainability and self-sufficiency through wells, irrigation systems, schools, training and empowerment. We are partnering with Sustainable Cambodia to work in the remote village of Chong Ruk. Here are some details:

Livestock Exchange/Microfinance Projects:
• Thanks to our 2011 Cambodia Microenterprise Committee, we now have a curriculum for a livestock exchange to improve the local economy of Chong Ruk. We will be supplying 10 families with livestock, as well as teaching them tips on how to best take care of their animals, tracking finances, and improving the general health and well-being of their families.

Construction Projects:
• Access to drinking water is critical for villagers in Chong Ruk. As such, the Cambodia team will install water filters which will give 40 families access to clean water. Also, we expect to work on rain water harvesting, which could allow for the village to store up to 1,000 gallons of water to sustain them through the dry season.
• We will be making much needed improvements to the preschool and library, as well as building a fence and gate with the community.

Educational, Vocational and Medical Projects:
• Education is key to the sustainability of all our projects. To promote education, in all our educational lessons, we will emphasize the important of staying in school. Also, we will be fundraising to purchase school uniforms for children in the area, which improves school attendance, particularly for girls. Additionally, as requested by the village, we will be giving trainings on:
o Making compost fertilizer, natural pesticide and other agricultural techniques
o Health, nutrition & the impacts of cigarette and alcohol use
o Social issues such as domestic violence, environmental education & human rights
o Hygiene, sanitation, CPR & first aid
o Dengue and malaria prevention
o Prenatal care

Cultural Projects:
• We are excited to be partnering with Sustainable Cambodia, which gives us many opportunities to have meaningful cultural panels, dialogues, and even volleyball competitions!
• In addition to working in Chong Ruk, the team will be visiting historical museums and sites like Angkor Wat to learn more about the history and culture of Cambodia.

We hope you are as excited as we are about our 2012 Cambodia trip. It is going to be phenomenal. Keep checking our website for student applications (www.youthlinc.org). They are due October 22nd!

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