Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Service Year 2012 Testimonials

“Thank you for all you do to make these opportunities available to us. I had an incredible trip with amazing leadership.” –Paige Heyn, University of Utah, 2012 Cambodia F&F

“Service is the best thing we can do to make a difference in the world. The hands-on experiences of this trip was unique and eye-opening.” Mallory Leonard, Juan Diego Catholic High School, Draper, 2012 Cambodia

“Youthlinc has set my life in a new direction. I have now chosen a major that will allow me to continue to do work like this. I know this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.” Rebekah Meads, 2012 Cambodia

“I look forward so much to the next time I can volunteer, both internationally and locally. Our time in the village was the best two weeks of my life and the most meaningful service I’ve ever done.” Quinn O., Wasatch High School, Midway, 2012 Cambodia

“I have learned that every person in the world has their own passions, desires, happy moments and sad moments. To treat everyone with utmost respect and to love them as individuals… this is the best service anyone can give.” Ben Lindstrom, Bountiful, 2012 Cambodia

“Local service is so important & unique to Youthlinc. It makes a huge difference in helping our participants become lifetime humanitarians.” Aubrey England, Mentor, 2012 Guatemala

“I have always wanted to be of use and help others. Youthlinc started my awareness of needs in my own country and area I live in, not just helping the poor around the world.” Aspen Hawks, Davis, 2012 Guatemala

“Youthlinc has made me a lifetime humanitarian. It has revealed to me the passion I have for serving other people in need. There is no better feeling than knowing you’re making someone’s life better. It’s indescribable.” –Carolyn Taylor, East High School, 2012 Kenya

“I have always been committed to service, but this experience has expanded my vision and desire to do good. It has also expanded my ideas on a more global basis.” Mark Erickson, Mentor, 2012 Guatemala

“My experiences with Youthlinc have re-affirmed my belief that humans can support each other across cultures and continents, that we are all in this together and that we can build relationships on profound levels by working together. Service is the path to true human connection.” --Vivian Shell, 2011 Cambodia Team mentor

“This program has been life changing. I have always been grateful for what I have, but this adds a whole new meaning. The life I lead and opportunities I have are amazing, and I want to spend my life doing what I can do make this a reality for others.” --Carly Poth, Bountiful High School, 2011 Cambodia

“This experience has blown me away every day. I honestly have never worked so hard, sweated so much, or been so exhausted. But I have also never loved a group of people so much, loved my work with my whole entirety, or felt so completed.” --Ben Harries, Park City High School, 2011 Peru

“This trip has given me a whole new perspective, and I feel that this is just the beginning to a completely new part of my life. Service is no longer a pastime, but a priority. While it is harrowing to think of all the needs of the world, this experience has taught me that I am completely capable of making a major difference in the lives of others. Not only that, but the even bigger impact that helping others has on me." --Anna Vincent, Utah State University, 2011 Peru

“I believe Youthlinc has had a great impact, not just in the dust, but in the hearts of the children. We left a mark of a brighter future these children can search for.” --Bryon Ensign, East High School, 2011 Kenya

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