Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thailand trip: Day 11, 12, and 13.

I am so sorry I am so behind on blogging, but these last few days have just  been a whirlwind! We finished up the service part of our trip and it nearly broke my heart in 10,000 pieces. I have always been pretty rough with goodbyes, but when you share the kind of love that we all shared with each other - and knowing it will be pretty unlikely we will ever see each other again - killed me.

I knew it was coming from day one, and I absolutely dreaded it. Since I have done these trips before, I know how hard it is...but it was still harder than I thought.

We cried hard....the kids included.

We have done a lot at that school:
1. Pathway made with cement mixed by hand.
2. Sewage and drain systems finished.
3. We put in a medical room filled with supplies.
4. Had a health fair where we taught hand washing, toothbrushing, first aid, and hygiene.
5. We had a fun fair filled with games and prizes for the kids.
6. Taught English every day.
7. Fixed up their bathrooms.
8. Put in a play ground.
9. Painted a mural.
10. Put fans in the school.

We have blisters, sore backs. and lots of long days to prove it! We worked hard, and we came here to help....but like always I feel I got back so much more than I gave...and well, that's the way service works!

These Thai people are so giving and so loving! I have felt so safe here and so taken care of in so many ways. They are so generous and I feel like they would have given me the only shirt they have straight of their back if I needed it. Everywhere we went we were greeted warmly and I feel so happy that I have met so many new faces that  will forever be engraved on my heart and in my mind. I know, because even 5 and 6 years after serving in Kenya and Guadalajara I think of those people everyday without fail and I know this will be no different.

I will post more on our adventures later with pictures! We just got to our next hotel and I am out of steam and sunburned worse than I ever have before. More later!


Ok, just one picture... my favorite that sums up exactly the love we shared:
Those are the girls I got closest with and cute Josh got this picture when I didn't know it.
Love it.
Love them.
Never want to leave! 

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