Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thailand Trip: Day 8

Today was a great day...exhausting, but great day. I can't believe we have been here for a week! In some ways I feel like I have been here forever,  but in others, the time is passing too quickly.

Well, once again, short and sweet.

1. Got to sleep in til 7:00 this morning, but was still tired! We are all reaching the exhaustion point I think! We have worked so hard.

2. Played with the kids a lot and taught school mostly. I had a really rowdy class this morning and it is so hard to control them without speaking their language! We sang, danced, did math, English, and played random games.

3. Colored pictures for a card exchange with kids around the world! We are sending theirs to Ghana. We have a great lady on our team named Shawn, and her daughter started this great program where the kids draw pictures of the places they live and they do an exchange! I thought it was so cute. They are great artists here! They sent me with some and I was quite honored. 

4. Came home and got a chance to take a short nap. I have never fallen asleep faster in my life! I don't even remember my head even touching the pillow. I was out after a long-awaited shower.

5. One of the guy's who set up the site here is a Rotarian named Stefan who is from Germany. He is HILARIOUS and looks like and acts like someone straight out of a movie. He owns a pub and pizza place in town, and man did we ever down the pizza! I was laughing so hard at how much so many are dying for some American food. I am WAY happy with the  food here, but I can see how it is getting old and sea food for people is just not cutting it. I on the other hand feels like I have eaten more carbs in every meal than I ever have. Wish I could avoid it, but I would starve like the other people here. Anyway, we had a blast! Complete with a dance party to boot. It was great to let loose after we have worked so hard.

Okay! More later. I'm tired. I will post pictures tomorrow!! Loves

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